Here are the instructions to download the Free Printables:
1. Click the “Download button” on the blog post of the free printable.

2. You will be directed to Google drive where the file is hosted. From there, click in download icon as shown in the image below and save it to your computer or device.

How do I open the free printables?
Most of my printables are PDF file(s) contained in a zipped folder.
- Windows User: You need to extract the files on your computer by doing right click in the zipped folder. Then, select extract all from the context menu. By default, the PDF file(s) will extract in the same location as the zipped folder.
- Mac User: Just double click the zipped folder to unzip it. After you have unzipped the file, you will see the PDF file(s).
- Tablet or Phone User: Some devices need an app to unzip the file(s).
You may need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the PDF File. By default, some computers have it, but you can also download for free here. Please note, it’s the one that said Adobe Acrobat DC.