Today’s post is about goal setting and I know these types of posts are usually published in the month of December, but it’s never too late to plan them!
When you want to improve your life, this is an essential step and there is no excuse that it’s too late! So get ready to know how to set goals!
Also, I’m sharing a free printable goal setting worksheet to help you!
So let’s start with the steps to set your goals:
1. Look inside your dreams
I bet you have more than one dream and these can be from becoming a millionaire, traveling around the world or even having bird wings and flying (note that this is a wish ✨ and it is unreal).
You should look inside your dreams and find the ones that are real and relevant to you.
This step is very useful, if you still don’t know where you want to go and how to define your goals!

2. Set your goals
It may seem easy to set your goals, once you have already found them in your dreams.
You may think that you just have to write them down and that’s it!
Well no, your goals must have the SMART characteristics. Maybe you already know what it means and YES they’re very important! 😊
SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time – bound.
Specific: It must be very exact and concrete in relation to what you want to achieve.
On this characteristic you can ask yourself questions such as: What, Where, When, How much or Why?
Measurable: How are you going to measure the progress of your actions to achieve your goal?
For example, the frequency of activities per day, week or month; the amount of time or money invested, among other aspects.
The important thing about this characteristic is that there must be a way to measure whether progress is being made
Attainable: Is your goal attainable, in other words, “realistic”?
Are you going to be able to achieve this goal according to your capabilities and skills?
By this point, I mean that while your goal is not entirely easy and may even be a challenge for you. It should not be beyond what you can do and control!
So I recommend you to evaluate your internal resources (attitudes, behaviors, knowledge, skills and more) and external resources (time, money, health and more).
Relevant: What is the reason to achieve the goal? Does it generate any benefit to your development? What is the meaning of accomplishing the goal for you?
With this characteristic, you will be able to analyze the motivations and benefits of achieving your goal!
Time-bound: This refers to the date by which you will achieve your goal! On the other hand, this date must have a deadline, that is, it must have a start date and an end date
3. Divide into categories
Your goals can be very diverse, some will be professional like getting a master’s degree, personal like traveling to your dream destination, health like eating healthier or other categories.
In this step, I recommend you to group and divide your goals into the categories you choose.
Remember you can create, as many categories as you want! At the end of all, they are your goals!
4. Create your action plan
Every goal you set for yourself must have an action plan, which are activities that you will carry out to achieve your goal.
This action plan will answer the questions: What activities will I do? and How will I do them?
5. Focus
Focus your energy on achieving them!
Remember that your goals are relevant, which means they have a reason for being and will help you achieve your dreams.
So, focus and don’t give up!
How to download the Free Printable Goal setting worksheet:
- Click the button to go to the download link. See the instructions here.
- Download the zipped folder.
- Extract the Free Printable Goal Setting Worksheet PDF file.
- Print on 8.5″x11 white paper.
- Use the free printable to set your goals!
Get the free printable goal setting worksheet
The free printable comes in a zipped folder with the Goal Setting Worksheet PDF file. Please note, this free printable is Personal Use Only, read my Terms of Use.
The printable includes a part where you can add the strategias and the action plan!

Hope you like this free printable goal setting worksheet! 🤗
Feel free to comment, if you want the free printable in other colors! Also, tag me in Facebook or Pinterest, if you use the printable!